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Romeo and Juliet | Globe Berlin | 11 september

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STET shakes up Shakespeare’s best-known tragedy during their yearly Open-Air performance in Wassenaar. German Theatre company Globe Berlin will perform their English spoken, modern production of Romeo and Juliet at the estate of Raadhuis de Paauw on September 11th and 12th.

In Shakespeare’s probably most played tragedy, the love of a young couple tears open old wounds that were never healed – and thus brings to light what could be possible, namely the rapprochement of the hostile families. But peace without sacrifice seems impossible. In this play, utopia and illusion collide cruelly. The struggle of the young generation to show that this does not have to be the case, that utopias can be realised without losses, captivates the audience and touches hidden longings. But who will win in the end? The old or the young? The utopia or the illusion?

Graag wijzen we u erop dat uw EU Digitaal Corona Certificaat nodig is om deze evenement te bezoeken. Meer informatie op de website van de RIVM.

Cancellation and refund policy:
Tickets can be cancelled or exchanged for another showing of the same production (subject to availability) up to 48 hours before the show. To this end we charge € 4,00 in administration costs. Refund requests placed within 48 hours before the show will only be given if we can resell the tickets. Please send your request to (<a href="">For more information, click here</a>)

Wij krijgen graag een beter inzicht in de samenstelling van ons publiek. Daarom vragen wij u, onverplicht, om uw postcode en huisnummer (incl. eventuele toevoeging). Bijvoorbeeld: 1234AB 12C. Uiteraard gaan we vertrouwelijk met uw gegevens om. Wij gebruiken deze informatie enkel voor onderzoeksdoeleinden en de informatie wordt na afloop van het onderzoek vernietigd. We zullen u dus ook geen ongevraagde reclame o.i.d. toesturen.

LocatieRaadhuis de Paauw, Wassenaar
AdresRaadhuislaan 22, 2242 CP Wassenaar
Datum11 September 2021
Tijd19:30 - 21:30
OrganisatieSTET The English Theatre
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