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"Snow Queen" ballet-2 again in The Hague 23.11.24

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Ballet "The Snow Queen" is back in the Netherlands. 23.11.24 at 14:00.

An exciting and colourful ballet for children 0+ with beautiful music written especially for this performance based on the fairy tale of the famous storyteller H.-C. Andersen.
Music by K. Vasilyev, choreography and staging by T. Petrova and V. Kuramshin.
Dancers – students of the Academy of Classical Russian Ballet The Hague.

The ballet premiered in 2009 in St. Petersburg and was successfully shown in Germany, Latvia, and the Netherlands. In 2024, the performance's restaged and will be shown with new cast members, many of whom are winners and laureates of the International Competition of Young Ballet Dancers "Anna Pavlova" (held annually in The Hague).
Necessary to see, it will be interesting for the whole family, the best entertainment on the weekend!
Ballet will be shown in The Hague at the Zeeheldentheater 05.10.24 at 12:30 & 14:00 and in December it will be shown on tour in Latvia.
If you want your children to dance on stage, participate in ballet performances and tours, and seriously and professionally study ballet, you are welcome at our ballet school. The audition for children 3.5 – 18 years old is open, contact us:
Summary of the ballet:
The Snow Queen kidnaps the boy Kai and takes him to her possessions in the far north. His friend Gerda decides to go look for and save Kai. She gets to different places and meets different characters – educated crow, princess, robbers, reindeer.
Evil trolls and snowflakes help the Snow Queen, but little Gerda reaches the North Pole. She will have to fight with the Snow Queen herself for Kai's heart in order to free it from the cold and ice.

Audition for children is open, contact us:

LocatieZeehelden theater
AdresTrompstraat 342, 2518 BT Den Haag
Datum23 November 2024
Tijd14:00 - 15:00
OrganisatieStichting Anna Pavlova
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